Friday, May 04, 2007


News reaches Blogmarch from our contacts in the postal service that debate is currently heated in the industry. Not so much about the slow death of the Post Office and next day delivery, but in a much more pressing issue - what to do with those red rubber bands you use to collect letters for the same house together. Several solutions have been put forward by those men and women on the frontline, but by far the most popular is, apparently, DROPPING THE SODDING THINGS OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR.

As longterm readers of Blogmarch will know, we here subscribe to the belief that if God gives you nothing but gators, make some gatorade. Always a fan of the rubber band ball, Blogmarch has decided to construct a ball from nothing but red rubber bands. Most of the bands in the ball above come from the streets of south London, but sitings have also been made in the Lake District, and on the Uffington to Avebury section of the Ridgeway.

The ball is surprisingly bouncy. To this tester, anyway. Who may well be a particular naive tester, given that the ball is made of rubber, and was always going to be quite bouncy.

Check back soon to see the latest red-rubber-band updates.

1 comment:

Brockley Nick said...

Man, you have been going on about those sodding rubber bands for the last 10 years. You need to get some new material.