Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A dirty threesome

Dr Quirky goes serious, in conversation with Blogmarch

Yesterday, the Independent does this big full page splash about Blue Monday.

Using “mathematical equations”, Dr Cliff Arnall, psychologist and former tutor at Cardiff University, has worked out that January 22nd is officially the most depressing day of the year.

This bloke does the same thing every year, and still gets it in the bloody papers. Last year it was revealed that he was simply producing some 'boffin' thing for a travel company to get publicity for cheap holidays at this time of year. This year it’s the RAC taking advantage of a lazy newspaper looking for some light-hearted filler.

As for that Edmund King cnut from the RAC. What the funk is he talking about here?? "We hope motorists will rise to the challenge of 'beat blue Monday' day and find ways of beating the commuting blues," said the foundation's chief executive Edmund King."Travelling smarter rather than longer is part of the answer, while putting a great song on the stereo is a proven mood-lifter."

How can you swap longer for smarter in a traffic jam?!?!

Anyway, Dr Cliff Arnall has previous on this as exposed by the Ben Goldacre’s brilliant Bad Science column. He’s one of a number of "whackydemics" happy to perpetuate the caricature of scientific boffins using “mathematical equations” to measure daft things. Check out the amusing clarification by Cardiff University which they clearly insisted on.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much work would an irked Quirk shirk, if an irked Quirk would shirk work?