Sunday, March 18, 2007

Breaking Free from the Man

So the great All Saints comeback ends after barely two singles. They've "parted" with Parlophone after new album Studio 1 peaked at number 41 in its first week. This despite acres of high profile magazine cover features where through gritted teeth they were repeatedly compelled to insist on they were great friends again.

It's Melanie Blatt I feel sorry for. The two Appletons will always be ok with their two Liams. Shaznay seems like the sensible sort who saved her money and anyway, she always earnt more as the principal songwriter. But Mel was the one who got pregnant, married the sometime bassist from Jamiroquai, Stuart Zender (bet he plays a Fender) and openly admits to being a bit short these days. The Endemols of the world await vulture-like to absorb her into the bosom of reality TV.

The comeback single, Rock Steady was rather good. That daft bint Cheryl Tweedy of Girls Aloud claimed that All Saints were copying THEIR sound which is predictably absurd. The Girls Aloud sound apes the girls singing on the bus together style of Bananarama, all unison notes and rotating lead vocals. All Saints do harmonies. Beautiful, shimmery, honey-voiced combinations that reach their peak of perfection on the William Orbit masterpiece that is Pure Shores.

Anyway - true to form. The follow up single Chick Fit and death-knell for the comeback was embarassingly bad. Accompanied by a video that is painfully ill-judged. I can't watch more than a minute because in its goosebump inducing dreadfulness it has the power to summon up long repressed personal memories of teenage humiliation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, poor Blatt.