Thursday, March 08, 2007

No, let's play the blame game

It has come to Blogmarch's attention that in criticising Zoe Williams for her lame, predictable opinions, a previous story on this site has created a philosophical conundrum of a potentially disastrous kind. That point of view, you see, is itself a lame, predictable opinion, of the sort expressed by... Oh no, circularity alert!

Closed off from the world by a skein of logic, this siamese twin of an idea has no choice but to swill its liquor of rank mediocrity back and forth till it coalesces into a mechanism of the darkest energy. Only then does it rise and set off in search of the crazed, cruel mind that gave it birth. This is how we invented the cylons, people.


Anonymous said...

don't understand .which previous article.

Anonymous said...

Check the previous article about Zoe Williams. If your scrolling finger is otherwise engaged, use that marvellous invention: search.