Saturday, December 30, 2006


Back refreshed from a lovely yuletide excursion with the wife, I cannot report much quirkieness in continental europe, much to my (and no doubt your) intense frustration. However, whilst always at pains to sample local fayre, I must say the following two culinary delights caused great mirth and merriment in the Quirkie household.

First, on the train from Malmo to Copenhagen (across Europe's longest bridge no less), I had a very enjoyable Plopp (1).

Not to be outdone, on the return leg, specifically on the overnight train from Hamburg to Brussels, I ate some Spunk (2).


(1) Plopp is a curiously flavoured Swedish choco-biscuit with caramel.
(2) Spunk is a deliciously salty licorish pastille from Germany.

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Anonymous said...

i question the quirkiness of these. Isn't quirky a "life's like that" sentiment ? I'm all confused Dr Quirko

Anonymous said...

u aRE sUCH a h8TER. wHY dO u h8ATE sO mUCH? yOU wILL nEVA hAVE tHE cHARM oF a qUIRKer.... yU LOSAH

Anonymous said...

also I have tried this Spunk on your recommendation and it's not delicious. It is rrrrrrank.