Monday, December 11, 2006

Late to Market

I hadn't really grasped the astonishing wonderment of iTunes Music store until a couple of recent 79p song purchases. Of course, from the start it allowed me to indulge in my love of outstanding pop anthems which I wouldn't have otherwise had in my discreet possession. The embarassment of going into any half-decent record store to hand over cash for Rachel Stevens' Sweet Dreams my LA Ex is, I suspect akin to trying to buy a copy of Razzle Razzle in a crowded WHSmiths. I would stress I have done neither. Which reminds me of an unnamed friend who used to tell me that his favourite place to buy jazz mags was always small newsagents staffed by a wizened old Asian lady that he felt able to dominate. But I digress quite significantly.

I have also purchased on my pop tour Britney Spears' finest musical moment, the superb Toxic and the unquestionably brilliant Crazy in Love by Beyonce. But these are obvious choices. The more impressive are those tunes which I would never had otherwise been able or bothered to buy. In olden days I would simply have forgotten them until the next time I heard them by chance some five years later.

And so I find myself, in a matter of 5 clicks, barely 5 minutes after I first heard it, in possession of Altered Images' wonderful Don't Talk To Me About Love. Despite the incredulity of others, I'd never heard it before and only a random watching of TOTP2 enlightened me to its existence. Barely days later, Magic FM of all the stations in the all the world, reacquainted me with the utterly sublime "Duel" by bonkers German 80s arthouse synth band Propaganda. 79p worth of heaven, finally mine after many years of vaguely trying to remember looking for it the next time I'm in town..

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this a bloody muso site?