Saturday, November 25, 2006

Back In The DWP (nee DHSS)

Doesn't work now does it ?

A random Guardian article recently referenced what is, on reflection, my all-time favourite Half Man Half Biscuit track title - Tending The Wrong Grave For 23 Years.

Fittingly it was from their most recent EP release in 2003, Saucy Haulage Ballads. I've no idea how it sounds but as the owner of just the one HMHB album - the seminal Back in The DHSS I think I can make a pretty good guess.

Why is it funny ? Well it's best not to over-analyse these things but there is a perfection in the "23" of the 23 years. Citing this as the best of the bunch is no mean praise. A quick glance at their exhaustive discography reveals an Aladdin's Cave of wonderful song titles through the years starting with the likes of Fuckin' Ell It's Fred Titmus, the seminal I Hate Nerys Hughes(that's her below), Outbreak of Vitas Gerulaitis, Christian Rock Concert and Yips (My Baby Got The).

They weren't all great. The more obvious puns (Paintball's Coming Home, 24 Hour Garage People) tended to fall flat. But there's always a stand out title just around the corner. Right down to the most recent album Achtung Bono they were still churning them out - Shit Arm, Bad Tattoo to name just one.

I am doing Half Man Half Biscuit a great injustice by referring only to the titles of their tracks. Despite the instant laffs, their lyrics had a stinging poetic brilliance often underpinned by supremely infectious choruses. The Wikipedia profile covers this in far greater detail.

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