Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Beat Goes On

I know it's a bit naughty, but I do love stopping by at a Starbucks for a Danish. Here's mine from this morning, already half eaten!

Things are going great guns. The hotel has been lovely. Clean, and the people are very kind - happy to do the smallest little thing. So maybe it's a little unfair of me, but Blogmarch will speak the truth as it is. This plug and tv socket are strangely askew, aren't they?


Anonymous said...

Wow - Starbucks Danish. Busted, blogmarch!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I will not be using this blog in the future due to this Starbucks infringement. That's one in the eye for you capitalist pigs.

Blogmarch said...

man this Starbucks shout out is killin the blogmarch brand.

Anonymous said...

You PC weaklings. Starbucks is great. Blogmarch is an arse because of the shame expressed in visiting the mighty Buck. The Danish are hell with raisins, though.

Anonymous said...

couldn't help but notice the fork and knife theme running through the images from Day 1 and Day 2.