Thursday, November 16, 2006

Setting the quirk bar... high!

To celebrate the appearance of the celebrated Dr Quirky (PhD Loop de Loop University 1991) on Blogmarch, thought I'd post this. It's the one man who can put the wacky flu up the good doctor himself - it's Daaaavid Lynch. And a cow.

Especially, note this high priest of caprice's straighter than straight final words - 'keep out of trouble'. Quirk that, Dr Quirky.


Anonymous said...

yes you're right blogmarch - when it comes to quirky there's no-one quirkier than David Lynch. He virtually invented quirky. Quite suprised there isn't some car called a Nissan or Daihatsu Quirky.

Anonymous said...

Everything I do gon' be quirky. From now on.

Anonymous said...

I began thinking about the etymology of the word 'quirky' and while ferreting around to find out about it, I came across this beautifully entitled post "Etymology is for cunts"